August 20, 2011

Here we go!

At the behest of my friends, I've finally gotten around to making a craft blog! Here you will find a myriad of crafting genres and techniques--some even a bit unorthodox. (The metal bit from windshield wiper blades makes a great casing needle!) My hope is that my friends can keep tabs on what mischief I'm getting myself into at the moment, and that anyone can learn from my posts and improve their own crafting skills. My appologies in advance if I pass along the disease of craftaholism! The problem with being a craftaholic is that you can never stop crafting!!!

Things to keep in mind about this blog: I have never been very good about keeping up with things like this. Diaries, journals, LiveJournal accounts, etc--I just can't seem to remember or find time to post things. Hopefully, as I am nearing the end of my long Grad school career (Yay!), I will have time to craft *and* post about it!

Comments and suggestions for my crafting adventures and for the blog itself are greatly welcomed! Hope you will be hearing from me often! :)